pictures of mountain lions in west virginia

Although the most notable sightings occurred in the late 1960s, Mothman (named by a newspaper reporter in the 1960s who was a fan of the cartoonish “Batman” TV series) reports continue today across multiple states and countries. Comstock promoted the idea that mountain lions still roamed the West Virginia hills with a prank featuring a panther shipped in from out of state. They are dark reddish-or yellowish-brown dorsally, lighter ventrally, the tail tip is dark, and the fur is short, soft and unspotted. Not a first-hand sighting, so post/do not post at your discretion. I was doing a search on the internet and found your sight and was excited to see that a man named Chris Sparkman had sighted one in Paw Paw about 9 months before my sighting. We were shocked to see this photo b/c we usually only get to see. I called out to my husband to look at this, I was washing dishes and looking out our kitchen window. My friend also saw it and we had about 30 seconds that it stood and looked at us. The bobcat (Felis rufus) is the only native feline predator in West Virginia. They seen this animal coming out of the woods and she thought it was a big dog or fox from the distance, until it got closer to her she stopped her car and this big CAT came out in front of herand she said oh my goodness it's a mountain lion and her dad said it sure is and she said it walked in front ofher car as slow as it could go and just looked at her like it wasn't scared. Although the encounters were dynamic, they were brief, and the Flatwoods Monster vanished from West Virginia as quickly as it had come. These are some of the pics. A French naturalist created the na… However, black panthers were reported in West Virginia as far back as the first settlers, and were taken seriously by science. It’s also home to Mothman. Every state has its story of Bigfoot. Handle an encounter with a mountain lion: Mountain Lion sighting in Leon, Mason County? 4 Many ... (Sweanor, Linda. Then the creature hissed, and moved toward the group, which sent them running. The dead horse which appears to show deep slash wounds to the head and a powerful bite to the neck. So I make it back to the end of my sidewalk when we hear it againI told my husband your on your own buddy I'm gone I ran back in the house he looked at his gun and said I have the wrong one for this one that's a big ole kitty.. and the dogs barked and was ticked off all night.. Again, his certainty of the sighting is 100% according to him, as he had plenty of time to stare at the animal and take it all in.The sighting was by a local Grant County man named Trevor who is 100% certain of the creature sighting. Mountain lion social organization in a desert environment Thanks for maintaining this website. Although I suspect the tracks in the photograph was dog track or a forefeet of bear, not a mountain lion tract.......I'm no expert and I've been wrong before and I know for sure experts have been wrong before.If you find tracks, measure and photograph them carefully, then consult a track field guide for identification. Nov 2, 2013 - The Scuttle Butt that I have been told was the Mountain Lions were exterminated decades ago from West Virginia. Anyway, to make a long story short, our bass player, Markel Fertig, was driving to the mountains of Pocahontas County about 6 years ago. However, black panthers were reported in West Virginia as far back as the first settlers, and were taken seriously by science. Three boys saw a bright light streak across the sky on 12 September 1952. (BDN) -- Are there mountain lions in Maine?There have been frequent reports about mountain lion or cougar sightings in our state, and always they seem to be met with doubt or outright debunking. One of the children dared a look, and saw a huge, dark, turtle-shaped bulk outside the home.

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